Improving Your Business’ Product Photography In 4 Easy Steps

If you’re a business owner, you will know that having great product photography is half the battle when it comes to making a sale. Potential customers will be drawn in by the visual nature of your listing – when people are shopping, they are more likely to be enticed by images rather than product descriptions. Therefore, it’s really important that your product photography is the best it can be to improve conversions. Here are 4 easy steps you can take to the studio to improve your product photography.

Think About Lighting

One of the most important things you need to think about when it comes to product photography is the type of lighting you will need to use. For example, some products may look better under artificial lighting, whilst others may look better under natural light. This is true even if they seem like similar products! Modern engagement rings, as an example, look better under artificial light – whilst antique engagement rings often sparkle better under natural lighting. This is because diamond cutting techniques of the past were very different from today. By ensuring you’re choosing the right lighting for each product, you can improve the look of the product exponentially.

Invest In An Amazing Camera

Your camera can make the effect of your product images change drastically, so it’s important that you use the right camera for your specific product. One of the main rules when it comes to great product photography is to invest in a good DSLR camera that can display the product to its full potential. However, you can achieve good results by using your smartphone camera if you’re running a small business or start-up, but you need to have to use the right settings.

Stage It Perfectly

When you’re taking product photography for your business, you need to stage it properly so you can maximise the potential of the product. For example, if you need to photograph a line of vintage earrings, you should stage them so they hang in a natural way. You may want to take it so it’s hanging from a model’s ear, or so it’s displayed on a jewellery rack. This way, the full product can be shown to its full potential. When a potential customer views your product photograph, they want to be able to see it in the best way possible. Staging your photos so they display the full potential of the product is the best way to generate interest and improve conversions.

Have Consistent Editing

You should make sure that your product photography has consistent editing when you put it onto the website. If it’s not consistent, this could damage your company’s branding reputation – if your product images are all over the place, this could make your brand seem unprofessional. Once all of your pictures have been taken, ensure that all of your product photography looks like it belongs to the same brand. Ensure that your backgrounds follow a similar theme, and the editing is cohesive. This is one of the best ways to improve your product photography and increase your likelihood of a sale.