Cajun Steamer, entertainment district improvements coming to Cahaba Heights

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Cahaba Heights
Location of the new Cajun Steamer in Cahaba Heights.. Photo via Pat Byington for Bham Now

Lots of positive business news out of Vestavia this week. Two new restaurants and improvements to the entertainment district are coming to Cahaba Heights.

According to the Vestavia Voice, as early as 2022, Cajun Steamer plans to open its doors in the  Market Square Shopping Center at 3155 Green Valley Road.  Meanwhile, on the other side of Cahaba Heights, a restaurant concept called Miss Astrid Tavern, which plans to locate behind The Fig Tree, is moving forward as part of an overall plan to enhance the Vestavia community’s entertainment district.

Replacing Blackwell’s Pub

As we reported in August, Birmingham-based Cajun Steamer will replace Blackwell’s Pub, which closed in March of 2021. Offering authentic Louisiana and Creole cuisine, the new site will be the restaurant’s fourth in Alabama. Presently, there are two local Cajun Steamer establishments in Hoover and Trussville. 

In the same shopping center, local residents are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Basecamp Fitness. Once that happens, the shopping center, which is one of the “gateways” into Cahaba Heights will be at capacity.

Miss Astrid Tavern and the Entertainment District Improvements

Fig Tree
The Fig Tree Cafe in Cahaba Heights. Photo by Lauren Bedford for Bham Now

More good news on the Cahaba Heights restaurant and entertainment front — the Vestavia Hills City Council passed an economic development measure that will benefit a new restaurant concept called Miss Astrid Tavern while enhancing  the Cahaba Heights Entertainment District.

Here is how the Vestavia Voice described the initiative in their October 26th story:

“Miss Astrid’s Tavern is a restaurant concept to be located behind The Fig Tree and is part of a larger plan to improve the Cahaba Heights Entertainment District. The business will receive 50% of sales tax revenues generated from their business for up to six years, or until that amount reaches $47,000.

The tavern will serve alcoholic beverages while using The Fig Tree’s kitchen. In exchange for the rebate, the property owner, Richard Edge, will improve the on-site stormwater structures and improve parking, which will serve not only that property but the entire area. Another restaurant and outdoor venue concept is being planned next door, and is being developed by Jared Lewis at Bluwater Properties, while another two other adjacent property owners will grant easements to the city to allow for landscaping and the extension of sidewalks.”

You can read the entire agreement and see the plans and renderings near the bottom of the agenda/Council packet titled: 

Special Economic Development Agreement.”

More About Cahaba Heights

One of Birmingham metro’s most eclectic commercial districts —Cahaba Heights in Vestavia Hills is on a roll.
Check our Bham Now story from 2019 about this growing and hip community.

Cajun Steamer, entertainment district improvements coming to Cahaba Heights